Master And Man Pro-Equality & Diversity Statement
In recognition of the recent anti-discrimination protests across the globe and raised awareness towards the need of improving equality and diversity Master And Man has taken time to reflect on our approach towards promoting diversity and what should be the foundation of our core values towards supporting the global efforts to become a more diverse place for all. We aim to achieve that through all our programs by following core commitments to support aspiring writers and creatives from all backgrounds regardless of their mental or physical abilities, sexual orientation, and beliefs. To provide safe, non-judgmental, inspiring environments to learn, develop ideas and unleash individualism. To support this claim, our goal is to provide the specific opportunities through our programs including but not limited to:
Idea Development Surgeries, an opportunity for all to discuss an idea, thoughts, a project, ask for directions. This will be held on a regular basis and will be made available to book such sessions via our website;
Creative Women and Mothers exclusive - we recognize that often women are forced to put their creative career aspirations on hold due to the demands of family lives. It is obvious through the latest data that there is still work to be done to promote creative opportunities among women. Our exclusive sessions will provide all women and mothers the opportunity to support through creative surgery sessions where like-minded females can share experiences, ideas and support each other.
Young Talent Mentorship - regular sessions will be provided to help and support the development of young creative talents.
A dedicated pro-equality key person will monitor the progress towards becoming a more diverse, open, and accepting place for all. We aim to record and share the data of such achievements.
Please keep an eye on our services and opportunities as we continue to grow and develop our commitments towards equality and diversity.
Master And Man