Escape From Zoomanity

Escape From Zoomanity


“Masterpiece” “ Compelling” “Powerful” “Pure Truth” “Brilliant”

A 5-Star Rated Must-Read Book

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In 2010 I Made a Choice to Escape a Virus, Lockdown and Self-Isolate For 12-Weeks. 

At the end of the self-isolation, I’d had enough and wanted to come home. I booked my flight and jumped on the plane and then returned home to England. And I can tell you. I never felt so alive in my life.

Of course, before it became an enforced trend it was called ‘getting away from everything’.

The virus of the mind can easily destroy any person. I was fighting it, I was running from it. I had to survive.

I had passed through a storm. That storm started with a brutal divorce and concluded with a life-altering bankruptcy. It was horrible. It felt like a million voices firing at me their opinions on what was going to be best for me.

I had become very anxious, lost my confidence and I felt weak.

It was hard to take more than I was going through.

So I booked a flight to self-isolation.

Here’s what happened.

I told my kids I was going to go away for a couple of weeks to a friend's home for some peace.

It wasn’t really peace I needed it was silence, solitude and calm.

Divorce can be horrible. Fights and opinions and threats and battles that can last for hours, days, months and even years. I felt mentally exhausted. At one point I actually thought I was going to die.

My friends were concerned whilst most of my family were on the full attack mode towards me during this period. I did truly feel absolutely alone.

I had to escape.

On September 8th 2010 I was sitting on a Virgin Atlantic plane. The flight was taking me to San Francisco. After a long flight and one stop in New York, I was ready to get off and vanish for a while.

The time period on the flight was the first time in years I had spoken to no one. It was the first time no one knew my history and treated me like a normal human being. During the travel time, I had said hello, thank you to the stewards and goodbye when getting off. It was probably the quietest time I have ever spent in my 47 of life years at that point.

Once off the plane, I jumped in a cab and we drove all the way down the stunning pacific one highway until I was almost at Santa Cruz. Once at that point I had to look out for a left turn-off to a place named Bonny Doon.

Bonny Doon is a place located in the hills of California in the middle of a redwood forest. We found the sign and we began to drive up the long and winding hill. Finally, we took a right turn and then one more right turn. This led up a dirt track around two miles long. Finally, at the very top, we arrived at a large wooden cabin. I thanked the cab driver, he drove away and left me alone.

This was to be my home for as long as I needed it. I was alone with only the most basic of things to keep me going. With the cabin also came to a car. I could drive down into the town of Sant Cruz if I wanted at any point.

Once in the cabin, I found a set of short notes. It basically explained that the garden was organic, no soaps were to be used and no toilet cleaning chemicals were to be used. Also, I had to look after the huge fat fluffy cat named ‘Cloud.

See the photos.’

And then began my self-isolation from my world.

At first, it was everything I had feared. That fear being lonely. It was just men and me only. Once the dark arrived all I could hear were the sounds of the forest. The racoons were always trying to get into the cabin. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the howls of mountain wolves and lions. The first few nights I didn’t sleep at all. 

The fact that there were no locks on any doors and anyone could walk in anytime made me feel unsafe.

The nights were blacker than black yet once the sun rose it was the most beautiful experience I had been through at that point. The only noise I could hear in the day was the deafening sound of huge woodpeckers hammering the trees with their unbreakable beaks.

After a week or so I decided to drive down into Santa Cruz. This was the first contact I had in a week but only at the checkout still no conversation.

12-weeks later I merged from that experience a brand new and much stronger person.

I will tell you why self-isolation was the best experience I ever had.

I now believe that the solutions to problems can only be found in the silence. The silence for me was no human contact. I would sit in front of the log fire alone with cloud the cat sitting across my feet. I had time to think to re-evaluate, to find my own solutions to my own problems.

This was a period in my life that changed everything.

Whilst there I decided to write a book. It was my first what I always call my real book. That book was eventually picked up and published by New York publisher named Morgan James. 

The book is my experiences. It is what is going on in my mind, my thoughts my evaluations and my actions.

It is also an awakening moment where I realised certain things in life. The biggest thing I was to realise was I am responsible for my own life  and that included past, present and future.

At the end of the self-isolation, I’d had enough and wanted to come home. I booked my flight and jumped on the plane and then returned home to England.

And I can tell you.

I never felt so alive in my life.

Self-imposed self-isolation isn’t new.

It has been a meditation tool for millenniums where humans take time out to tap deeper into their minds to discover solutions for life. And it wasn’t always for the elite or enlightened. The average human being was like this way before we become processed for modern life.

Today’s self-isolation is interesting. Rather than people using the time to evaluate and think we are being encouraged to watch more TV, not feel guilty about binge-watching, killing time, jumping up and down or while streets singing in unison. There isn’t anything wrong with this yet have you hear Dany officials say things.

The perfect time to read a new book and awaken our mind

There perfect time to reevaluate your life

The perfect opportunity to re-educate yourself

The perfect time to approach life in a new way

The perfect time to create a perfect new life.

Self-isolation is a time for thought, clarity and change.

I’m embracing the whole process. It doesn’t mean I don’t miss my daily coffee but it has made me ask the question do I really need to go and have a daily coffee.

If you like to know more about my whole 12-week self-isolation and the conclusions I came to everything is in my book,

Escape from Zoomanity.

Zoo-Man-Ity was a phrase I created to replace hu-man-ity

What is the book Escape from Zoomanity?

 This book is a book that helps the anxious gain control, the depressed get uplifted, the hopeless gain hope, the week feel stronger, the manipulated take control, the controlled take back their power, the sleeping wake up but overall it makes ever reader question everything and realise lots of things at the same time.

 There will come a time in your life when you feel you will want to question everything. Those questions demand answers.

 Life might not be what you thought it was going to be. Whatever your problem, it is a problem and you are demanding to know why.

 Do you listen to the mass of Zoomanity? The mass that is under the control of something so simple it is brilliant. What is that something and how can you know?

 Do you take advice from those that repeat what they are being told be the zookeepers? Who are the zookeepers and how to avoid their advice?

 Zoomanity is built on fear. Fear of the unknown and lack of control creates anxiety and depression, anxiety and depression created a reliance and dependence on help. This is classic Zoomanity. 

 They control you, they control us. They give us life in a cage-like environment they control.

 You can awaken, you can resist and you can build a life free from the restraints, free from the cage, free from zoomanic influence.

 Your life is an exhausting repeat from patterns set by others. Only once you break free from those repeated patterns will your escape begin. Once your escape begins your life will begin to change Once your life begins to change you will see and feel happiness rising to the surface with freedom I doubt you will have known before.

 If you need more from life this is a perfect read. Be warned: once you start you might find it hard to put down.

 Or do you finally strip back the layers of the mainstream, undercover the reality of life and create your own Escape from Zoomanity?

Humans are now zoomans.

Humanity is now Zoomanity.

The cage is real.

 You can awaken, you can realise, you can escape from Zoomanity.

At just 169 pages you’ll wish there was more.

  • What is Zoomanity?

  • Who are the Zookeepers?

  • Who controls you?

  • Who are the repeaters?

  • How do you awaken?

  • What should you do?

  • The laws of humanity are real

  • Problems dissolve after your escape

  • A new happy life awaits you

Are you ready to Escape from Zoomanity?

See readers comments below


This review is from: Escape From Zoomanity: 1 (Paperback)I have to admit I am not the most compulsive of readers of any type of book but I was recommended this one by a friend. I found it a fascinating insight in to all facets of life and mirrored so much of my own. I am sure the thousands of people that will also read this will feel the same. What is important to me in a book of this type is the honesty and integrity of the writing and there is no doubt that this is a extremely honest and intelligent read. Harsh and to the point throughout but also humorous, delicate and charming. The author should be credited highly for a thought provoking book that goes a long way to not only inspiring and motivating the human mind but bringing home important truths about life.

Highly recommended!

Amazon reviewer


This review is from: Escape From Zoomanity: 1 (Paperback)I have just finished this book today, after reading almost non stop since its arrival yesterday. It was utterly charming, funny, passionate and inspirational. Definitely one for those wanting to change their lives, think about life, change their outlook or just confirm what they were always thinking. There IS more to life….alan illustrates this beautifully. Really enjoyed it and would recommend to anyone. Thought provoking and compelling.

Read it.


“This review is from: Escape From Zoomanity: 1 (Kindle Edition)If you can only make time to read one book this year, read this one. As you immerse yourself in Alan’s story, things that have happened – pointers- in your life will start to make sense to you. In this way, instead of reading about another person’s escape from a humdrum existence, you can begin to plan your own exit.

An exit that probably entails more risk, although risk is a relative term. risk of going back to an ordinary so so life, or stepping forward to live the life you promised yourself. treat this book as the catalyst to get there.

By Robert Bridge “robbwindow” (UK)

“Escape from Zoomanity in its simplicity is opening the lid on global information”

This review is from: Escape From Zoomanity: 1 (Paperback)

Escape from New York was a good film from the eighties, Escape from Zoomanity is a story directed at an audience of today. The brand of this book is the testimony of what Alan Forrest Smith can do and does do. So many books these days go on the direction and guidance of having a personna and an image. The shift on offer in Zoomanity text is something more different and original. Every system and every business thought has already been published but none has yet ventured into the far corners of the world that actually need the leverage of the Internet to utilise the streams of income available online. So many books make the mistake of directing theirs books at the locality of their audience, Zoomanity is more suited for recommendation to neighbours and friends and reads as such.

The thing I like about this book is the shift between whats actually going on and what is being said, how we interpret this is difficult to articulate because we do live in a world of metaphors and preambles that reference the same information, Escape form Zoomanity: 1 swerves all this and guides the reader straight through the distractions that occur these days.

I know this book will do well here on Amazon because I hope to read the next Escape from Zoomanity: 1, any negative reviews here on Amazon or made simply to distract readers from the truth. Escape from Zoomanity in its simplicity is opening the lid on global information. This gateway should be embraced and translated as such, a story is a story and finding our own story is a key thing to extract from the wonderful world of Zoomanity, Escape from Zoomanity is a gateway glossary of navigating around these new fields of information.

Concluding I recommend this book because I am interested in most of the topics this books addresses, the impact of this book is short sited since it is so new but I like the information that I have learned, rather than give the game away I just point you guys in the right direction, this is a good book, it is a good read and I am sure you agree if you know a little or a lot about Alan he has a great message and a hive of information to share with the visually reading world. The orchestration of this book is as hyped up as Star Wars trilogy or Jaws, the reason why I mention this is well they have stood the test of time, I predict this will also stand the test of time and you to can take action and cultivate these future mindsets by getting a nice fresh copy of this book.

It is a sort of matrix out there the demographics of the world, and we do have choices we all need to take, to take action based on the premise ‘you want to succeed more’ , the comforts are inside but you will learn from the ventures and explorations unsealed in the pages of this book its going to take courage, action and other things too. All I know is Alan is a highly sort well trained copy writer and should be treated as such when reading the words put together in this first edition of Escape Zoomanity: 1 .

Amazon reviewer

 This review is from: Escape From Zoomanity: 1 (Paperback)I read it overnight. Although the book is a reflection of authors own life, I could relate instantly. You will see how humans are kept in constant conditioning, that drives our lives, almost pre-determined by the society. Through one man’s extraordinary life journey you will see how to break through in your own life and live it on your terms. You’ll be moved and inspired.


First I would like to encourage all those who are not aware of Alan to spend some time going through his website and reading the ton of testimonials of the life’s he has transformed. He did have a profound impact on my life and when I use the word “profound”

I mean it in a big way… Zoomanity is Alan’s best work. Three decades of baggage and frustration will drop of in less than an hour once you immerse yourself in this masterpiece. Alan is a rare jewel in the world of creative and inspired thinking and Zoomanity is what you might be missing today Sri Vishwanath author of the bestseller Zero Effort &the Secret of Bhagavad Gita


With a down-to-earth style, the will to tackle the big issues with bold questions, the ability to spin an argument on its head, and the instinct to pin-point just where you are emotionally, Alan Forrest Smith has created a created a hypnotic, page-turning masterpiece.In Escape to Zoomanity, Forrest Smith says what you may already feel, but haven’t yet formed into words. He articulates it brilliantly and just when you might get jittery, he puts the finger on you. From Leith in Edinburgh, to Rain Forest Shaman, Forrest Smith uses his own life story as a journey and spells out how Zoomanity can trap us; and… thank God, he also offers us a way out – an escape from Zoomanity! Escape to Zoomanity is a compelling read and a must for anyone looking for a deeper understanding and a will to escape from the chains of life. Read it now and make your escape… while there is still time Neil Fellowes


Alan is not only a friend and colleague, but also a mentor. In over a decade of working together, he has continually fascinated me with his unique grasp of the human condition, the power of self-transformation, and the desperate need to rise above today’s fast-paced, self-absorbed, confusing world, which he unabashedly (and appropriately) coins as Zoomanity. His ability to tell stories that captivate and enlighten, and drive home potent lessons about life and people, is a powerful tool he uses to awaken both your mind and soul to a new level of curiosity, appreciation, and purpose. Read this book and, once you’re done, you will not only discover the world of Alan Forrest Smith, but also the very world you live in yourself — and how to rise above it. Writer, Michel Fortin


Escape from Zoomanity is pure truth, there were moments I was laughing, moments I was crying, moments I was nervous, moments I was disappointed, moments I was happy. Pure emotions, pure life, pure truth… What a great adventure through life.

Author of Cult Classic Kommando, writer, Madlen Namro


Alan Forrest Smith has challenged society and mankind to examine everything – to create a revolution to restore the lost art of humanity. It is a MUST READ if you ever want to be free.

Tracy Repchuk, Bestselling Author of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles


If you are looking for a way to master your life instead of letting your life master you, Alan hit the nail on the head with Escape from Zoomanity. He takes ‘thought provoking’ to a whole new level. ‘Brilliant’ is the word that comes to mind.

Best Selling Author, Jim Britt, Author of “Rings of Truth” and “Cracking the Rich Code”




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